In my club programme blog I said that John G4PEO and I would confer to set the rules of the 2023 CARC WSPR championship 2023.
Here are results of our deliberations:
The event will be run over the 9 months March to November 2023, but only the best 7 months will count. For the purposes of the event a month is what is recorded in the .zip file for the month in downloads directory on the downloads page.
There will be a two way (transceive) category and a receive only category.
A QSO is regarded as a two way exchange where the two halves of the "over" have occurred at any time in the same calendar month (i.e. the same .zip file).
The points scored by each entrant will be the number of unique stations worked/heard multiplied by the number of major grid squares worked/heard. A major grid square in the first four letter/number sequence of the maidenhead locator i.e. IO91.
In order to count the station worked/heard must not be unique to the entrant that month. All uniques will be deleted before the analysis is performed. The organisers also reserve the right to exclude anomalous callings or locators that come to our attention.
Each calendar month we will record the number of points per entrant and their total for the best seven months.
If a member wants to operate as two (or more) different callsigns, for example to compare antennas, they may do so and will will report both unique and combined results.
Any transmitter or receiver may be used, but the maximum power is 5W.
To make it possible for everyone to have the space for an antenna, the only band to be used is the 10m/28MHz band.
To enter a participant must make their callsign known to the organisers so we can extract their contact information from the WSPRnet data.
Many members have found it fun for us to build a club project. So we propose that the 2023 club project be a high-band (20 thru 10m) QDX transceiver. We further propose that if there is interest in repeating this event in 2024 this will be based on the QDX. Thoughts on this club project and the 2024 event are welcome and we can discuss next week at the AGM.
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