Saturday, December 24, 2022

CARC 2022 WSPR Competition Raw Results

 For those that would like to see a little more of the CARC 2022 WSPR Competition analysis I provide below the output of my Python analysis program.

Where the file  scrubbed-spots.csv is used, G3YSX, G3YSX/1, M0WID and M6DPW all appear in their own right. where the file scrubbed-spots-con.csv is used I have merged the results for G3YSX, and G3YSX/1 into a single entry, and the results for M0WID and M6DPW into a single entry.

CARC WSPR Competition Adjudicator 2022

Tx Catagory

Spots file =  scrubbed-spots.csv

Member:  M0WID

Countries (Entities) heard in = 40 , Band slots = 40


['9A', 'CT', 'DL', 'E7', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EA8', 'EI', 'ER', 'ES', 'F', 'G', 'GM', 'GU', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'I', 'LA', 'LX', 'LY', 'LZ', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TF', 'UA', 'UR', 'W', 'XX', 'YL', 'YO']

Number of unique stations that heard member = 560

ODX =  7281   WLO/O5

mean distance(km) =  699.0 +/- 805.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 66428

Number of times reported at following power in dBm 37: 66426, 30: 2

Member:  G3YSX

Countries (Entities) heard in = 62 , Band slots = 62


['3B6', '4X', '5BS', '6Y', '9A', '9K', '9M2', 'B', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'E7', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EA8', 'EI', 'EK', 'ES', 'EW', 'F', 'FR', 'G', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'I', 'JA', 'LA', 'LX', 'LY', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PJ2', 'PY', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TA', 'TF', 'TI', 'UA', 'UA9', 'UR', 'VE', 'VK', 'VR', 'W', 'XX', 'YL', 'YO', 'ZL', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations that heard member = 934

ODX =  18837   ZL4CAT

mean distance(km) =  1499.0 +/- 2093.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 116617

Number of times reported at following power in dBm 37: 116617

Member:  G3YSX/1

Countries (Entities) heard in = 60 , Band slots = 60


['4X', '5BS', '9K', '9M2', 'B', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'E7', 'EA', 'EA8', 'EI', 'ER', 'EW', 'F', 'FR', 'G', 'GI', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'I', 'JA', 'KH', 'LA', 'LU', 'LX', 'LY', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PY', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TA', 'TF', 'TI', 'UA', 'UA9', 'V4', 'VE', 'VK', 'VR', 'W', 'XX', 'YL', 'YO', 'ZB2', 'ZL', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations that heard member = 671

ODX =  18837   ZL4CAT

mean distance(km) =  1830.0 +/- 2391.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 71954

Number of times reported at following power in dBm 37: 71954

Member:  M0TZZ

Countries (Entities) heard in = 66 , Band slots = 66


['4X', '5BS', '6Y', '9A', '9K', '9M2', 'B', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'E7', 'EA', 'EA8', 'EI', 'EK', 'ER', 'ES', 'EW', 'F', 'FR', 'G', 'GI', 'GJ', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'HO', 'I', 'JA', 'LA', 'LU', 'LX', 'LY', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PY', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TA', 'TF', 'TI', 'UA', 'UA9', 'UR', 'V4', 'VE', 'VK', 'VR', 'W', 'XX', 'YL', 'YO', 'ZB2', 'ZL', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations that heard member = 1125

ODX =  18997   ZL3PX

mean distance(km) =  1572.0 +/- 2185.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 265299

Number of times reported at following power in dBm 37: 263115, 60: 2184

Member:  GX3WSC

Countries (Entities) heard in = 42 , Band slots = 42


['5BS', '9K', '9M2', 'B', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'EA', 'EA8', 'EI', 'EW', 'F', 'G', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'I', 'LA', 'LX', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PY', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TA', 'TF', 'TI', 'UA', 'VE', 'VR', 'VU', 'W', 'XX', 'YL']

Number of unique stations that heard member = 214

ODX =  13553   DP0GVN/3

mean distance(km) =  2235.0 +/- 2804.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 1090

Number of times reported at following power in dBm 37: 1090

Member:  M6DPW

Countries (Entities) heard in = 51 , Band slots = 51


['5BS', '6Y', '9A', '9K', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'E7', 'EA', 'EA8', 'EI', 'ES', 'EW', 'F', 'G', 'GI', 'GJ', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'I', 'LA', 'LX', 'LY', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PY', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TA', 'TF', 'TI', 'UA', 'UR', 'VE', 'VK', 'W', 'XX', 'YL', 'YO', 'ZB2']

Number of unique stations that heard member = 843

ODX =  16824   VK3TPM

mean distance(km) =  1149.0 +/- 1555.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 124026

Number of times reported at following power in dBm 37: 124026

Member:  G4PEO

Countries (Entities) heard in = 65 , Band slots = 65


['4X', '5BS', '6Y', '9A', '9K', '9M2', 'B', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'E7', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EA8', 'EI', 'EK', 'ER', 'ES', 'EW', 'F', 'FR', 'G', 'GI', 'GJ', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'I', 'JA', 'KH', 'LA', 'LX', 'LY', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PJ2', 'PY', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TA', 'TF', 'TI', 'UA', 'UA9', 'UR', 'VE', 'VK', 'VR', 'W', 'XX', 'YL', 'YO', 'ZB2', 'ZL', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations that heard member = 937

ODX =  18863   ZL4CAT

mean distance(km) =  1987.0 +/- 2365.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 114630

Number of times reported at following power in dBm 37: 114630

Member:  2E0XDZ

Countries (Entities) heard in = 52 , Band slots = 52


['4X', '5BS', '9K', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'EA', 'EA8', 'EI', 'ES', 'EW', 'F', 'FR', 'G', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'I', 'LA', 'LX', 'LY', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PJ2', 'PY', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TA', 'TF', 'TI', 'UA', 'UR', 'VE', 'VK', 'VR', 'W', 'XX', 'YL', 'YO', 'ZB2', 'ZL', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations that heard member = 689

ODX =  18775   ZL2005SWL

mean distance(km) =  1934.0 +/- 2413.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 27104

Number of times reported at following power in dBm 37: 27104

Member:  M0IJP

Countries (Entities) heard in = 1 , Band slots = 1



Number of unique stations that heard member = 9

ODX =  84   M0TZZ

mean distance(km) =  63.0 +/- 31.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 3256

Number of times reported at following power in dBm 27: 3256

Number of observers that heard us = 1541

Total countries worked =  73

Rejected Reports =  0

Posn Member   St'ss Entity ODX ODX c/s mean(km)

1 M0TZZ     1125 66 18997 ZL3PX 1572.0

2 G4PEO     937 65 18863 ZL4CAT 1987.0

3 G3YSX     934 62 18837 ZL4CAT 1499.0

4 M6DPW     843 51 16824 VK3TPM 1149.0

5 2E0XDZ     689 52 18775 ZL2005SWL 1934.0

6 G3YSX/1     671 60 18837 ZL4CAT 1830.0

7 M0WID     560 40 7281 WLO/O5 699.0

8 GX3WSC     214 42 13553 DP0GVN/3 2235.0

9 M0IJP     9 1 84 M0TZZ 63.0

CARC WSPR Competition Adjudicator 2022

Tx Catagory

Spots file =  scrubbed-spots-con.csv

Member:  M0WID

Countries (Entities) heard in = 55 , Band slots = 55


['5BS', '6Y', '9A', '9K', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'E7', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EA8', 'EI', 'ER', 'ES', 'EW', 'F', 'G', 'GI', 'GJ', 'GM', 'GU', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'I', 'LA', 'LX', 'LY', 'LZ', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PY', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TA', 'TF', 'TI', 'UA', 'UR', 'VE', 'VK', 'W', 'XX', 'YL', 'YO', 'ZB2']

Number of unique stations that heard member = 1032

ODX =  16824   VK3TPM

mean distance(km) =  992.0 +/- 1359.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 190454

Number of times reported at following power in dBm 37: 190452, 30: 2

Member:  G3YSX

Countries (Entities) heard in = 68 , Band slots = 68


['3B6', '4X', '5BS', '6Y', '9A', '9K', '9M2', 'B', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'E7', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EA8', 'EI', 'EK', 'ER', 'ES', 'EW', 'F', 'FR', 'G', 'GI', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'I', 'JA', 'KH', 'LA', 'LU', 'LX', 'LY', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PJ2', 'PY', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TA', 'TF', 'TI', 'UA', 'UA9', 'UR', 'V4', 'VE', 'VK', 'VR', 'W', 'XX', 'YL', 'YO', 'ZB2', 'ZL', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations that heard member = 1126

ODX =  18837   ZL4CAT

mean distance(km) =  1625.0 +/- 2217.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 188571

Number of times reported at following power in dBm 37: 188571

Member:  M0TZZ

Countries (Entities) heard in = 66 , Band slots = 66


['4X', '5BS', '6Y', '9A', '9K', '9M2', 'B', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'E7', 'EA', 'EA8', 'EI', 'EK', 'ER', 'ES', 'EW', 'F', 'FR', 'G', 'GI', 'GJ', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'HO', 'I', 'JA', 'LA', 'LU', 'LX', 'LY', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PY', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TA', 'TF', 'TI', 'UA', 'UA9', 'UR', 'V4', 'VE', 'VK', 'VR', 'W', 'XX', 'YL', 'YO', 'ZB2', 'ZL', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations that heard member = 1123

ODX =  18997   ZL3PX

mean distance(km) =  1572.0 +/- 2185.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 265299

Number of times reported at following power in dBm 37: 263115, 60: 2184

Member:  GX3WSC

Countries (Entities) heard in = 42 , Band slots = 42


['5BS', '9K', '9M2', 'B', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'EA', 'EA8', 'EI', 'EW', 'F', 'G', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'I', 'LA', 'LX', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PY', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TA', 'TF', 'TI', 'UA', 'VE', 'VR', 'VU', 'W', 'XX', 'YL']

Number of unique stations that heard member = 213

ODX =  13553   DP0GVN/3

mean distance(km) =  2235.0 +/- 2804.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 1090

Number of times reported at following power in dBm 37: 1090

Member:  G4PEO

Countries (Entities) heard in = 65 , Band slots = 65


['4X', '5BS', '6Y', '9A', '9K', '9M2', 'B', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'E7', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EA8', 'EI', 'EK', 'ER', 'ES', 'EW', 'F', 'FR', 'G', 'GI', 'GJ', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'I', 'JA', 'KH', 'LA', 'LX', 'LY', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PJ2', 'PY', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TA', 'TF', 'TI', 'UA', 'UA9', 'UR', 'VE', 'VK', 'VR', 'W', 'XX', 'YL', 'YO', 'ZB2', 'ZL', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations that heard member = 935

ODX =  18863   ZL4CAT

mean distance(km) =  1987.0 +/- 2365.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 114630

Number of times reported at following power in dBm 37: 114630

Member:  2E0XDZ

Countries (Entities) heard in = 52 , Band slots = 52


['4X', '5BS', '9K', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'EA', 'EA8', 'EI', 'ES', 'EW', 'F', 'FR', 'G', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'I', 'LA', 'LX', 'LY', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PJ2', 'PY', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TA', 'TF', 'TI', 'UA', 'UR', 'VE', 'VK', 'VR', 'W', 'XX', 'YL', 'YO', 'ZB2', 'ZL', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations that heard member = 687

ODX =  18775   ZL2005SWL

mean distance(km) =  1934.0 +/- 2413.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 27104

Number of times reported at following power in dBm 37: 27104

Member:  M0IJP

Countries (Entities) heard in = 1 , Band slots = 1



Number of unique stations that heard member = 7

ODX =  84   M0TZZ

mean distance(km) =  63.0 +/- 31.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 3256

Number of times reported at following power in dBm 27: 3256

Number of observers that heard us = 1539

Total countries worked =  73

Rejected Reports =  0

Posn Member   St'ss Entity ODX ODX c/s mean(km)

1 G3YSX     1126 68 18837 ZL4CAT 1625.0

2 M0TZZ     1123 66 18997 ZL3PX 1572.0

3 M0WID     1032 55 16824 VK3TPM 992.0

4 G4PEO     935 65 18863 ZL4CAT 1987.0

5 2E0XDZ     687 52 18775 ZL2005SWL 1934.0

6 GX3WSC     213 42 13553 DP0GVN/3 2235.0

7 M0IJP     7 1 84 M0TZZ 63.0

CARC WSPR Competition Adjudicator 2022

RX Catagory

Spots file =  scrubbed-spots.csv

Member:  M5SB

Countries (Entities) member heard  = 55 , Band slots = 55


['4X', '6Y', '9A', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'CU', 'DL', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EI', 'EK', 'EW', 'EX', 'F', 'G', 'GD', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'HO', 'I', 'KP2', 'LA', 'LY', 'LZ', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PJ2', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TF', 'UA', 'UA9', 'UN', 'UR', 'V4', 'VE', 'VK', 'W', 'XX', 'YO', 'YU', 'ZL', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations heard by mmember = 1022

ODX =  19007   ZL3PX

mean distance(km) =  1042.0 +/- 1543.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 111803

Member:  M0WID

Countries (Entities) member heard  = 55 , Band slots = 55


['4X', '6Y', '9A', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'E7', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EI', 'EK', 'ER', 'EW', 'EX', 'F', 'FR', 'G', 'GD', 'GJ', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'HO', 'I', 'LA', 'LY', 'LZ', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PJ2', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TF', 'UA', 'UR', 'V4', 'VE', 'VK', 'VU', 'W', 'YO', 'YU', 'ZB2', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations heard by mmember = 996

ODX =  17295   VK7BO

mean distance(km) =  986.0 +/- 1472.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 84567

Member:  G3YSX

Countries (Entities) member heard  = 56 , Band slots = 56


['5BS', '6Y', '9A', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'E7', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EI', 'EK', 'ER', 'EW', 'F', 'FR', 'G', 'GD', 'GJ', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'HO', 'I', 'LA', 'LY', 'LZ', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PJ2', 'PY', 'S5', 'S7', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TF', 'UA', 'UR', 'VE', 'VK', 'W', 'XX', 'YO', 'YU', 'ZB2', 'ZL', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations heard by mmember = 943

ODX =  18992   ZL3PX

mean distance(km) =  1081.0 +/- 1548.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 93180

Member:  G3YSX/1

Countries (Entities) member heard  = 44 , Band slots = 44


['9A', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EI', 'EK', 'ER', 'EW', 'EX', 'F', 'G', 'GD', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'I', 'LA', 'LY', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'S5', 'S7', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TF', 'UA', 'V4', 'VE', 'W', 'YO', 'YU', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations heard by mmember = 510

ODX =  13097   DP0POL

mean distance(km) =  1088.0 +/- 1567.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 25382

Member:  M0TZZ

Countries (Entities) member heard  = 52 , Band slots = 52


['9A', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'E7', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EI', 'EK', 'EW', 'EX', 'F', 'G', 'GD', 'GJ', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'HO', 'I', 'KP2', 'LA', 'LU', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PY', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TA', 'TF', 'UA', 'UR', 'V4', 'VE', 'VK', 'W', 'YO', 'YU', 'ZB2', 'ZL', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations heard by mmember = 696

ODX =  18997   ZL3PX

mean distance(km) =  779.0 +/- 1050.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 56971

Member:  GX3WSC

Countries (Entities) member heard  = 24 , Band slots = 24


['BU', 'CT', 'DL', 'EI', 'EK', 'F', 'G', 'GM', 'HA', 'HB', 'I', 'LA', 'OH', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'SM', 'SV', 'TF', 'UA', 'VE', 'W', 'YO', 'YU']

Number of unique stations heard by mmember = 129

ODX =  9931   BX6ABC

mean distance(km) =  2276.0 +/- 2378.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 466

Member:  M6DPW

Countries (Entities) member heard  = 52 , Band slots = 52


['5BS', '6Y', '9A', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EI', 'EK', 'EW', 'EX', 'F', 'G', 'GD', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'I', 'KP2', 'LA', 'LU', 'LY', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PJ2', 'S5', 'S7', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TF', 'UA', 'UR', 'V4', 'VE', 'VK', 'W', 'YO', 'YU', 'ZB2', 'ZL', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations heard by mmember = 898

ODX =  18996   ZL3PX

mean distance(km) =  1137.0 +/- 1642.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 67829

Member:  G4PEO

Countries (Entities) member heard  = 43 , Band slots = 43


['6Y', '9A', 'CT', 'DL', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EI', 'EK', 'EW', 'F', 'G', 'GD', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'I', 'LA', 'LU', 'LY', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PJ2', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TA', 'TF', 'UA', 'V4', 'VE', 'VK', 'W', 'XX', 'YO', 'YU']

Number of unique stations heard by mmember = 561

ODX =  16335   VK5ADE

mean distance(km) =  1110.0 +/- 1477.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 33669

Member:  2E0XDZ

Countries (Entities) member heard  = 41 , Band slots = 41


['CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EI', 'EK', 'EW', 'F', 'G', 'GD', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'I', 'LA', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PJ2', 'S5', 'S7', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TF', 'UA', 'UR', 'VE', 'VK', 'W', 'YO', 'YU', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations heard by mmember = 515

ODX =  16317   VK5ADE

mean distance(km) =  994.0 +/- 1454.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 29767

Number of observers that heard us = 1348

Total countries heard =  66

Rejected Reports =  0

Posn Member   St'ss Entity ODX ODX c/s mean(km)

1 M5SB     1022 55 19007 ZL3PX 1042.0

2 M0WID     996 55 17295 VK7BO 986.0

3 G3YSX     943 56 18992 ZL3PX 1081.0

4 M6DPW     898 52 18996 ZL3PX 1137.0

5 M0TZZ     696 52 18997 ZL3PX 779.0

6 G4PEO     561 43 16335 VK5ADE 1110.0

7 2E0XDZ     515 41 16317 VK5ADE 994.0

8 G3YSX/1     510 44 13097 DP0POL 1088.0

9 GX3WSC     129 24 9931 BX6ABC 2276.0

CARC WSPR Competition Adjudicator 2022

RX Catagory

Spots file =  scrubbed-spots-con.csv

Member:  M5SB

Countries (Entities) member heard  = 55 , Band slots = 55


['4X', '6Y', '9A', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'CU', 'DL', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EI', 'EK', 'EW', 'EX', 'F', 'G', 'GD', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'HO', 'I', 'KP2', 'LA', 'LY', 'LZ', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PJ2', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TF', 'UA', 'UA9', 'UN', 'UR', 'V4', 'VE', 'VK', 'W', 'XX', 'YO', 'YU', 'ZL', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations heard by mmember = 1020

ODX =  19007   ZL3PX

mean distance(km) =  1042.0 +/- 1543.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 111803

Member:  M0WID

Countries (Entities) member heard  = 60 , Band slots = 60


['4X', '5BS', '6Y', '9A', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'E7', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EI', 'EK', 'ER', 'EW', 'EX', 'F', 'FR', 'G', 'GD', 'GJ', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'HO', 'I', 'KP2', 'LA', 'LU', 'LY', 'LZ', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PJ2', 'S5', 'S7', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TF', 'UA', 'UR', 'V4', 'VE', 'VK', 'VU', 'W', 'YO', 'YU', 'ZB2', 'ZL', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations heard by mmember = 1181

ODX =  18996   ZL3PX

mean distance(km) =  1053.0 +/- 1552.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 152396

Member:  G3YSX

Countries (Entities) member heard  = 58 , Band slots = 58


['5BS', '6Y', '9A', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'E7', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EI', 'EK', 'ER', 'EW', 'EX', 'F', 'FR', 'G', 'GD', 'GJ', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'HO', 'I', 'LA', 'LY', 'LZ', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PJ2', 'PY', 'S5', 'S7', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TF', 'UA', 'UR', 'V4', 'VE', 'VK', 'W', 'XX', 'YO', 'YU', 'ZB2', 'ZL', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations heard by mmember = 1050

ODX =  18992   ZL3PX

mean distance(km) =  1082.0 +/- 1552.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 118562

Member:  M0TZZ

Countries (Entities) member heard  = 52 , Band slots = 52


['9A', 'BU', 'CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'E7', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EI', 'EK', 'EW', 'EX', 'F', 'G', 'GD', 'GJ', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'HO', 'I', 'KP2', 'LA', 'LU', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PY', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TA', 'TF', 'UA', 'UR', 'V4', 'VE', 'VK', 'W', 'YO', 'YU', 'ZB2', 'ZL', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations heard by mmember = 694

ODX =  18997   ZL3PX

mean distance(km) =  779.0 +/- 1050.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 56971

Member:  GX3WSC

Countries (Entities) member heard  = 24 , Band slots = 24


['BU', 'CT', 'DL', 'EI', 'EK', 'F', 'G', 'GM', 'HA', 'HB', 'I', 'LA', 'OH', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'SM', 'SV', 'TF', 'UA', 'VE', 'W', 'YO', 'YU']

Number of unique stations heard by mmember = 129

ODX =  9931   BX6ABC

mean distance(km) =  2276.0 +/- 2378.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 466

Member:  G4PEO

Countries (Entities) member heard  = 43 , Band slots = 43


['6Y', '9A', 'CT', 'DL', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EI', 'EK', 'EW', 'F', 'G', 'GD', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'I', 'LA', 'LU', 'LY', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PJ2', 'S5', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TA', 'TF', 'UA', 'V4', 'VE', 'VK', 'W', 'XX', 'YO', 'YU']

Number of unique stations heard by mmember = 560

ODX =  16335   VK5ADE

mean distance(km) =  1110.0 +/- 1477.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 33669

Member:  2E0XDZ

Countries (Entities) member heard  = 41 , Band slots = 41


['CE9', 'CT', 'DL', 'EA', 'EA6', 'EI', 'EK', 'EW', 'F', 'G', 'GD', 'GM', 'GW', 'HA', 'HB', 'HJ', 'I', 'LA', 'MM', 'OE', 'OH', 'OK', 'OM', 'ON', 'OZ', 'PA', 'PJ2', 'S5', 'S7', 'SM', 'SP', 'SV', 'TF', 'UA', 'UR', 'VE', 'VK', 'W', 'YO', 'YU', 'ZS']

Number of unique stations heard by mmember = 514

ODX =  16317   VK5ADE

mean distance(km) =  994.0 +/- 1454.0

Number of times reported on the following bands 40m: 29767

Number of observers that heard us = 1346

Total countries heard =  66

Rejected Reports =  0

Posn Member   St'ss Entity ODX ODX c/s mean(km)

1 M0WID     1181 60 18996 ZL3PX 1053.0

2 G3YSX     1050 58 18992 ZL3PX 1082.0

3 M5SB     1020 55 19007 ZL3PX 1042.0

4 M0TZZ     694 52 18997 ZL3PX 779.0

5 G4PEO     560 43 16335 VK5ADE 1110.0

6 2E0XDZ     514 41 16317 VK5ADE 994.0

7 GX3WSC     129 24 9931 BX6ABC 2276.0

CARC WSPR Competition Adjudicator 2022

QSO Catagory

Spots file =  scrubbed-spots.csv

M0TZZ     heard by =   1125   heard =   696   num qso   381

G3YSX     heard by =   934   heard =   943   num qso   360

M6DPW     heard by =   843   heard =   898   num qso   350

G4PEO     heard by =   937   heard =   561   num qso   287

M0WID     heard by =   560   heard =   996   num qso   236

2E0XDZ     heard by =   689   heard =   515   num qso   214

G3YSX/1     heard by =   671   heard =   510   num qso   210

GX3WSC     heard by =   214   heard =   129   num qso   22

M5SB     heard by =   0   heard =   1022   num qso   0

G0UPL     heard by =   0   heard =   0   num qso   0

G0KAD     heard by =   0   heard =   0   num qso   0

M0IJP     heard by =   9   heard =   0   num qso   0

CARC WSPR Competition Adjudicator 2022

QSO Catagory

Spots file =  scrubbed-spots-con.csv

M0WID     heard by =   1032   heard =   1181   num qso   474

G3YSX     heard by =   1126   heard =   1050   num qso   442

M0TZZ     heard by =   1123   heard =   694   num qso   379

G4PEO     heard by =   935   heard =   560   num qso   286

2E0XDZ     heard by =   687   heard =   514   num qso   213

GX3WSC     heard by =   213   heard =   129   num qso   22

M5SB     heard by =   0   heard =   1020   num qso   0

G3YSX/1     heard by =   0   heard =   0   num qso   0

G0UPL     heard by =   0   heard =   0   num qso   0

M6DPW     heard by =   0   heard =   0   num qso   0

G0KAD     heard by =   0   heard =   0   num qso   0

M0IJP     heard by =   7   heard =   0   num qso   0

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